Department of Cyber Security and Information Technologies

In accordance with the proposal of the Department of Technical Service and the Seventh Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 05.01.2012 and the order № 496 of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 05.09.2012, the Special Faculty was transformed into the Technical Faculty at the Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The educational activity of the Technical Faculty was carried out on the basis of the State Licence No. AB 0142750 from 20.10.2011 and annex to the licence No. 001 issued by the Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 30 May 2013, by order No. 895.

In connection with the reorganisation of three departments: the Department of software support of information systems, radio electronics and telecommunications, natural science disciplines by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 975 from 11.11.2019, was formed the Department of information and technical support of internal affairs, which was part of the Faculty of Professional Training of the Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after Makan Yesbulatov.

In fulfilment of the instruction of the Head of State and the Minister of Internal Affairs to strengthen the cybercrime units with qualified IT-specialists and to ensure effective counteraction to Internet fraud, the Department of Information and Technical Support of the IAB was established by the order of the Head of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after Makan Yesbulatov № 400 from 12.07.2021, the Department of Information and Technical Support of the IAB was transformed into the Department of Cyber Security and Information Technology.

Currently, the Department of Cyber Security and Information Technology provides training to cadets in the profile disciplines:  “Information systems and technologies”, “Ensuring cyber security”, “IT-forensic support of IAB activities”, including conducting classes for students studying at the initial training, employees of internal affairs bodies at the Faculty of training of management staff and additional education, as well as carrying out research activities in the field of cyber security and implementation of information technologies in police activities.  

The main task of the department is to organise and carry out at a high level educational, research, methodological and educational work based on the priority of universal and moral values, the use of new modern technical means in the educational process, as well as the training of qualified specialists in the field of information and telecommunication systems, improving professional knowledge, business qualities of students on the basis of the achievement of the theory and practice of information systems in the activities of the police.

On the basis of the cyberpolygon and cyberlaboratory, proposals are being developed in the area of informatisation and the use of computer technology to prevent offences and crimes committed through the Internet.

Work is carried out on the organisation and conduct of scientific events in the form of forums, conferences and round tables to discuss current threats to information security and the introduction of new technologies relating to cybersecurity in the practical work of the services and units of the internal affairs agencies.

Within the framework of international cooperation, work is carried out with partner universities – departmental scientific institutions of the CIS countries to study current problems of digitalisation of internal affairs bodies, combating crime in cyberspace, introduction of software tools for systematisation and analysis of information on cyber incidents, cyber threats and cyber crimes, joint research and scientific events are held.