The Scientific School was organized in 2014 at the Department of criminal law and criminology of the Almaty Academy of the Ministry of internal affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The mission of the Scientific School is to involve employees and students in research work, cooperate with educational institutions, research institutes, state and law enforcement agencies, improve criminal legislation and law enforcement practice, and organize scientific events.
To study the problems of combating crime, to develop knowledge and innovation, to strengthen the intellectual foundation, to stimulate the scientific activity and professional development of employees, young scientists and students.
Kairzhanov Yelegen Iztileuovich was born on September 17, 1933 in Makhambet District of Atyrau region, an outstanding scientist in the field of criminal law and criminology, Honored Worker of Science and technology of the Republic of Kazakhstan, academician of the Academy of Sciences, Doctor of law, professor
From 1973 to 1983, he conducted a large-scale sociological analysis of the state of the structure and dynamics of offenses in the 1960s and 1980s. He made a significant contribution to the theory of criminal law in determining the essence and structure of the object of crime. In a special part of the Criminal Code, he methodically substantiated the need to establish norms from the point of view of a protected object in the form of a social good – the interests of society, the state, the individual. On the basis of this concept, in 1975, a doctoral dissertation was defended at the Kiev State University named after T. G. Shevchenko.
Scientific works:
More than 200 scientific works, including 20 monographs, under the leadership of which 11 doctors of Sciences, more than 30 candidates of Sciences were defended.
The activities of the Scientific School are research in the field of combating crime, the study and knowledge of the development and laws of laws on crime, the study of the causes and conditions for the emergence and development of crime, the place and role of the criminal’s personality, the development of optimal solutions for the prevention and Prevention of offenses.
Projects of the kairzhanov Yelegen Iztileuuly Scientific School:
* On September 17, 2021, the opening of the memorial plaque of Yelegen Iztileuovich Kairzhanov took place.
On September 17, 2022, the opening of the named auditorium of Professor Kairzhanov took place within the walls of the Academy.
* organization and holding of scientific events (conferences, round tables, trainings, thematic meetings, attracting leading specialists in the field of criminal law and criminology). On September 22, 2023, a scientific and practical conference” combating crime in the context of informatization and digitalization of society and the state ” was held. Every year, within the framework of the Scientific School, an international scientific and practical conference “actual problems of improving criminal law: problems of theory and practice” is held, which has become a scientific platform for discussing the implementation of criminal policy directions and improving criminal law. Assistance in the research work of undergraduates and doctoral students of the Academy is established, which contributes to the development of new knowledge, innovations that ensure the solution of promising problems of law enforcement practice.
In kairzhanov’s auditorium, meetings of the Scientific School are held with the participation of doctoral and undergraduates of the Academy, members of the school organize thematic meetings with prominent scientists and practical workers, conduct training seminars and trainings. Publication of educational and scientific literature: monographs, textbooks, manuals, reviews, scientific articles. Years of the Scientific School (2014-2023).), in the fund of scientific research of the department there are more than 50 printed publications, including monographs, manuals, methodological recommendations, etc.
Strengthening the motivation of professional development and growth, career aspirations of employees and students of the Academy. Members of the Scientific School also pay special attention to leisure activities: visits to museums, theaters and libraries, sports events are organized. In addition, members of the school actively participate in conferences, trainings. Special attention is paid to advanced training both in the methodology of training and in the profile of the Department. Since 2015, Professor E. I. Kairzhanov has successfully defended his doctoral dissertations and received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)from more than 12 doctoral students of the Department of criminal law and criminology at the Scientific School