In the museum you can get acquainted with the history of the Department of internal affairs, the history of the creation of the Almaty Academy and the life of the heads and graduates of the Academy, veterans of the Great Patriotic War and Home Front workers.
In general, each item stored here has its own history and features, an immeasurable value for the next generation. This event, aimed at awakening the cognitive abilities of students and increasing their responsibility as future law enforcement officers, will give an impetus to their consciousness.

Purpose of the museum:
– promote the formation of interest in domestic history and respect for the moral values of past generations;
– development of communicative competencies, research skills, development of creative abilities of cadets;
– expansion of historical horizons ;
– formation of civil and patriotic qualities of students;
– formation of personal relationships with historical facts;
– foster love and respect for the past of their country;
– preservation and maintenance of the traditions of the educational institution; improvement of the educational process by additional means of training; education of cognitive interests and abilities; acquisition of practical skills of search and research activities of students;
-use of museum material to form a positive attitude of students to active socially significant activities by involving them in the active activities of the museum.