Faculty No. 1 is a structural subdivision of the republican state institution «Makan Yesbulatov Almaty Academy of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan», which trains heads of departments of the central office and territorial internal affairs bodies (capital, cities of republican significance, regions, transport police), consisting in the personnel reserve of the MIA of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The purpose is to train highly qualified personnel in extended education programs aimed at professional development and obtaining competencies necessary to improve professional level within the qualification framework for promotion to a higher position.

The training for the senior personnel of the internal affairs bodies is carried out in accordance with the modular for extended educational program.

The main tasks of the Training Faculty for Senior Personnel of Internal Affairs Bodies are:

– training of senior personnel from the reserve of the MIA of the Republic of Kazakhstan to have qualified personnel of the internal affairs bodies using extended education programs;

– development of educational and thematic plans, educational and modular programs, software products, methodological recommendations and guidelines for use of information resources.

The main functions of the Training Faculty for Senior Personnel of Internal Affairs Bodies are:

– organization, management and control of the educational process at the Faculty No. 1;

– organization and improvement of the methodological support for educational process at the Faculty No. 1;

– analysis of teaching staff and students opinions on educational process conditions, developing proposals for its improvement, creating the necessary conditions for pedagogical activities for teaching staff and development of extended education programs for students;

– analysis of progress and attendance of students;

– analysis of the actual implementation of educational load by the teaching staff of the departments in each training session;

– organizing and conduction, in cooperation with other structural divisions of the Academy, of educational and methodological meetings, conferences, seminars, round tables, trainings, etc.;

– participation in meetings, workshops, scientific and practical conferences, seminars and round tables, etc.

The faculty is currently represented by the following officers:

1) Head of the Faculty – PhD, police colonel Yeskendirov Aidos;

2) Deputy Head of the Faculty (Head of the Higher Academic Courses) – police colonel Tulmaganbetov Adil;

3) senior teacher-methodologist of the Higher Attestation Commission – police colonel Sagymbayeva Indira;

4) senior teacher-methodologist of the Higher Attestation Commission – police lieutenant colonel Аzirbekova Akbota;

5) neacher-methodologist of the Higher Attestation Commission – magister of law, police major Bazarlinova Ardak;

6) neacher-methodologist of the Higher Attestation Commission – police captain Abdikenov Duman.

Contact Information:

contact phones

+7(701)808-99-17, +7(701)277-03-90, +7(747)266-25-91, +7(777)013-00-13




