The Department of Operational Investigative Activity is a structural subdivision of the Faculty of Professional Training of the Makan Yesbulatov Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The operation of the department is aimed at theoretical and practical training of qualified personnel with professional knowledge, qualifications, skills and competencies in accordance with the state obligatory standards of education.

The history of the formation of the department is inseparably connected with the history of the development of the Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which begins July 23, 1956 with the formation of the Almaty Special Police High School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs on training of criminal investigation officers. In different periods of time the department functioned as: ” Operational Investigative Activity Cycle”, “Department of Special Disciplines”, “Department of Operational Investigative Activity of Internal Affairs Bodies”, since 1992 – “Department of Operational Investigative Activity”.

The following scientists who have contributed to the life of the Academy and the department in the field of operational investigative activities can be noted: Akhmadin A. A., Abdrakhmanov B. A., Savin Yu. V, Husainov O. B.

From the moment of formation of the department, the priority directions in scientific work have become applied problems of criminal police activity, that constantly take place in the subject of research activities of the department. It includes the issues of ensuring constitutional rights and freedoms of the individual and citizen in the field of operational and investigative activities, legal regulation of operational and investigative activities; information support of the activities of operational units of internal affairs bodies, interaction of internal affairs bodies with other agencies, etc.

At the moment the department is headed by the head of the Department of OIA, Police Colonel Bulat Temirbekovich Baiseitov. The Department consists of: Deputy Head of the Department, Police Lieutenant Colonel A.D. Suleimenov, associate professor of the Department, Police Lieutenant Colonel                         K.K. Tyndybayev; associate professor, Police Lieutenant Colonel T.P. Madaliyev; Senior Lecturer of the Department, candidate of law, Police Lieutenant Colonel              B.N. Beisenaliyev, Senior Lecturer, Police Lieutenant Colonel K. Almazovna, Senior Lecturer, Police Major Zh.A. Rustemova; Lecturer of the Department, Police Captain A.Z. Toktakynbayev; Lecturer of the Department, Senior Police Lieutenant B. Yerbolatovna; Head of the Office of the Department, Senior Police Lieutenant B.N. Baturova.

The Faculty of the Department actively participates in legislative process on the issues of practical realization of the basics of operational work. The experience of teaching and research activities accumulated by the Faculty of the Department, the nature and dynamics of the main areas of operational work of the internal affairs bodies allow us to constantly develop scientific and practical cooperation with various structures of operational investigative activities.

Currently, the members of the department conduct classes at the following faculties: training of management personnel; additional education; postgraduate education; professional training.

Contact information:

Department of Operational Investigative Activity

Phone number. 337-81-54



Instagram: kafedra_ord