The history of the formation of the department:

The formation and development of the Department of Military and Tactical special training is inextricably linked with the development of the Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Established in July 1991 on the basis of the Department of Combat Special Training, the Faculty of the Karaganda Higher School of Militia of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and the cycle of military disciplines of the Alma-Ata SSSM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, it was called the “Department of Mobilization and Tactical Special Training” and “Tactical Special Training”. In its activities, the main priority was given to academic disciplines – “Civil Defense” and “Special tactics”.

At the next stage, the department is organized by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 387 dated 05/10/2023 and is part of the Faculty of Professional Training of the Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after Makan Esbulatov.

The following heads contributed to the formation and development of the department:

No/ppSpecial title Surname first name patronymic
1Colonel of the internal serviceZernov Igor Pavlovich
2Colonel of the internal serviceBakeev Ilgiz Ildusovich
3Police ColonelDmitry Nikolaevich Leontiev
4Police ColonelNurshaev Meiramkhan Dayrabayevich
5Police ColonelGaydarzhi Mamuka Nikoevich
6Police ColonelZharasov Alimzhan Sagyzzhanovich

It should also be noted the positive contribution to the education and upbringing of cadets and trainees, which at one time was made by such teachers as:

No/ppSpecial title Surname first name patronymic
1Police ColonelTimur Berlesovich Ospanbayev
2Police Colonel Candidate of Technical SciencesBalgabaev Nurtas Nurgalievich
3Police ColonelSergey Anatolyevich Snegirev
4Police ColonelDosmaganbetov Ali Kozhenovich
5Lieutenant Colonel of the policeAlexander Viktorovich Zememnov
6Police MajorYeleusinov Almat Altayevich
7 other

Since December 2021, the Department of Military and Tactical Special Training has been headed by Police Colonel Oleg Romanovich Tsoi.

To date, the department conducts classes in such disciplines as:

  • – Tactician-special training;
  • – Fire training;
  • -Military training;
  • -The Unified Special Forces Training System (ESPS) program for special purpose personnel.

The main tasks and functions of the department:

The task of the department is to train qualified personnel for the Department of Internal Affairs according to programs of higher, postgraduate and additional education aimed at professional formation and personal development based on national and universal values, service discipline, corporate culture of the Department of Internal Affairs, achievements of science and practice.

Functions of the department – the work of the department is aimed at theoretical and practical training of specialists in accordance with the content of educational programs of higher, postgraduate and additional education. Educational activities at the department are carried out full-time, including using distance learning technologies at advanced training and retraining courses for police officers.

Additional education – conducting training sessions and practice-oriented trainings at the Faculty of Management Training, as well as with various categories of police officers and other law enforcement agencies at advanced training and retraining courses of the Center for Training Specialists in Countering Extremism, the Interdepartmental Center for Training Specialists in Countering Drug Crime, the Center for Training Specialists in Countering Cyber Crime.

Methodical work

1. To date, the staff of the department are developing educational and methodological complexes in all taught disciplines and areas of training for the 2023-2024 academic year. To date, an educational and methodological manual has been prepared in the state language “Tapanshadan praktik atudyn negizgi dagdylary” and in Russian “Rules for wearing uniforms and insignia for employees of the Internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, in the state and Russian languages; “Material part of weapons”, “Drill”, “Fire training for employees internal affairs bodies”.

Structure and staff of the department:

The structural and staffing of the Department are developed and approved in accordance with the standard structure approved by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and normative legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The staff of the department is determined based on the volume of work and the average annual teaching load of the teaching staff, taking into account the specifics of the educational process at the Academy.

The department by staff consists of:

  • 1. Head of the department – 1 unit;
  • 2. Deputy – 1 unit;
  • 3. Associate professors – 3 units.;
  • 4. Senior teacher – 5 units;
  • 5.Teacher – 5 units;
  • 6. Head of the shooting range – 1 unit.

To date, the teaching staff of the department consists of:

No/ ppPositionSpecial title Surname first name patronymic
1.Head of the DepartmentPolice ColonelOleg Romanovich Tsoi
2.Deputy Head of the departmentPolice Lieutenant ColonelAbdakhmetov Arman Tasbulatovich
3.Associate Professor of the departmentPolice Lieutenant ColonelBatymbetov Azamat Rakimberdievich
4.Associate Professor of the departmentPolice Lieutenant ColonelAmreeva Akalkyn Aitkhanovna
5.Associate Professor of the departmentPolice MajorIsabaev Chingiz Aidarovich
6.Senior lecturerPolice Lieutenant ColonelAsanbayev Ermuhammad Begalyly
7.Senior lecturerPolice Lieutenant ColonelAubakirova Asel Orynbasarovna
8.Senior lecturerPolice Lieutenant ColonelAtashov Ibrai Serikbayevich
9.Senior lecturerPolice MajorZhagalov Zhasulan Tengyshbayuly
10.Senior lecturerPolice CaptainAbitaev Zharas Talgatuly
11Lecturer of the department SeniorPolice CaptainKanseitov Yerzhan Dauletuly
12Lecturer of the department SeniorSenior Police LieutenantTileulesov Beksultan Bakytuly
13Lecturer of the department SeniorColonel of the reserve policeArkhipov Sergey Ivanovich
14Lecturer of the department SeniorMajor of the reserve policeArtyushkin Andrey Petrovich
15Lecturer of the department SeniorLieutenant Colonel of the reserve policeAndrei Sergeevich Volkov
16.The head of the shooting rangeSenior Police LieutenantAmangeldiuly Arman

Organization of the department’s activities:

1. The Department has the powers necessary for the implementation of its main tasks and functions, in accordance with legislative acts, acts of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. The work of the department is aimed at theoretical and practical training of specialists in accordance with the content of educational programs of higher, postgraduate, additional education, as well as special initial training.

3. The Department carries out activities in accordance with the annual work plan.

4. To discuss the issues of the department’s activities and make appropriate decisions, meetings of the department are held at least once a month under the chairmanship of the head of the department, which are attended by the teaching staff of the department, if necessary, students and representatives of the structural divisions of the Academy.

5. The head of the department determines the duties and powers of his deputy; determines the duties and powers of the staff of the department; exercises other powers in accordance with current legislation.

6. The deputy head of the department coordinates the activities of the department within the limits of his authority, during the absence of the head carries out general management of the activities of the department and is responsible for the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the units and the exercise of their functions, performs other functions in accordance with current legislation.

Other types of work and achievements of the department:

1. The teaching staff of the department actively participates in city events related to training or interaction with other departments and structures.

2. In accordance with the calendar plan of the Academy, it is engaged in drill training with permanent and variable staff of the Academy.

3. According to the section of combat and service training, classes on the discipline “Fire training” and “Tactical and special training” are conducted with the staff of the Academy.

4. They lead practical classes conducted with the personnel of the consolidated squad of the Academy.

5. Involve employees of the SOBR DP of Almaty to train students, cadets and commanders of the combined squad of the Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Esbulatov.

6. They conduct training for junior commanders with a variable composition of the Academy.

They conduct practical shooting from small arms in the academic discipline “Fire training” at special ranges, both with permanent and variable Academy staff.

During the January 2022 events, Colonel Oleg Romanovich Tsoi was awarded the Yerlik Usin State Award by the Presidents of the Republic of Kazakhstan for his professional work and bravery in protecting the building of the Almaty Police Department and public order during mass riots. Also, the staff of the department was awarded by the Minister of Internal Affairs and the Head of the Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Esbulatov, for the protection of public safety and public order in the city of Almaty.