The Faculty of Additional Education is a structural educational, scientific and administrative structural unit of the Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after Makan Esbulatov (hereinafter referred to as the Academy), trains employees of the Internal Affairs Bodies and other law enforcement agencies according to the programs of advanced training, retraining and training of candidates for Internal Affairs bodies in the course of initial professional training.
The acting head of the Faculty (hereinafter referred to as the Faculty) of Additional Education of the Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after Makan Esbulatov, Candidate of Law, Police Lieutenant Colonel Taskyn Yernar Taskynuly has a certain work experience in various positions both in territorial divisions of Internal Affairs bodies and in departmental educational institutions. The accumulated professional experience and scientific knowledge are fully realized by him in the organization of the educational process, educational and methodological support for the training of various categories of employees of the Internal Affairs bodies and students of initial training courses.
The Faculty consists of:
– Center for training specialists in ideological and image work;
– Center for training specialists in countering extremism;
– Interdepartmental Center for training specialists in countering drug crime;
– The Center for training specialists in countering cybercrime.
– The Center for training specialists in combating organized crime.
The main task of the Faculty is to implement additional education curricula by creating the necessary conditions for this, aimed at the formation, development and professional development of an employee of the internal affairs bodies, based on national and universal values, achievements of science and practice.
The main activities of the Faculty are:
– creation of conditions for the development of educational training programs for advanced training, retraining of employees of the Internal Affairs bodies and other state bodies;
– creation of conditions for the development of educational curricula for the initial professional training of candidates for Internal Affairs bodies;
– implementation of interaction with territorial divisions of the Internal Affairs bodies in accordance with the established procedure in order to increase the effectiveness of training.
– improvement of teaching methods based on a rational combination of traditional methods of transmitting and consolidating scientific information with new ones providing for the widespread use of technical means and active forms and methods of teaching;
– the introduction of modern educational and methodological, scientific and methodical, didactic materials and software for automated learning systems, information support systems, information and library systems into the educational process;
During the period of its existence, the faculty has gained extensive experience in training specialists whose knowledge and skills meet the modern requirements of the practical activities of the Internal Affairs Bodies.
To date, the faculty is introducing modern teaching methods into the educational process, which make it possible to actively learn new trends both in the IT field and in law enforcement practice of Internal Affairs bodies. Advanced pedagogical processes, effective organization of the educational process, high technical equipment, high level of professionalism, teaching staff of the faculty and centers are the successful basis for training specialists.
The faculty successfully combines theory and practice, attentively treats each student. Students of the faculty are members of numerous teams of the academy, where they achieve high sports results. The staff of the faculty and centers actively participates in scientific activities, where they also achieve significant indicators.
The faculty has a close-knit team capable of successfully solving the tasks of training qualified personnel for the internal affairs bodies. All employees have higher legal (pedagogical) education, and professionals in their field work successfully. The faculty is constantly being improved and developed in order to train specialists for the Internal Affairs Bodies.

The direct management of the units is carried out by the heads of the courses: police Lieutenant Colonel Alisharipov A.A. and police Major Berdibaev Sh.A., who have experience working in combatant units. Their main task is that they preserve, develop and multiply the good cause of training and education of future employees of the internal affairs bodies.
For many years, talented officers and teachers have been working at the Faculty, who have managed to lay down fundamental traditions. Despite various difficulties, the staff of the faculty and centers successfully carry out the tasks assigned to them in organizing the process of personality formation – from candidate to officer, from lieutenant to general. Even today, many graduates of the faculty faithfully perform their official duties to protect the constitutional rights and freedoms of our citizens.