
Almaty academy named after Makan Esbolatov of the Ministry of internal affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a stable innovative scientific and educational organization, a new generation academy that effectively combines best practices in the field of Science, Education and law enforcement.

         The mission of the Almaty Academy of the Ministry of internal affairs is to become a center for providing the internal affairs bodies with highly professional personnel of a new format with advanced knowledge and professional competence to ensure the fight against crime, public order and public safety. The Academy implements programs of higher, postgraduate and additional education in the relevant areas of Personnel Training.

         Educational programs of higher, postgraduate and additional education are aimed at training, retraining and advanced training of specialists for the relevant areas of activity of internal affairs bodies. The academy trains all categories of students: from a cadet to the first head of the Departments of the central office of the Ministry of internal affairs and regional police departments.          

        Since 2021, the Academy has the Faculty of training managerial personnel and the Faculty of additional education. The opening of new faculties was preceded by a lot of analytical work. The world experience of special educational institutions that train police leadership was studied. In particular, the best experience of Great Britain, Germany, Japan and Russia was taken as a basis, where the development of managerial, technical and communication skills, leadership skills were systematically studied.          

         During the courses, students will master the skills of administrative and economic activities, financial and Legal Literacy, Project, crisis and HR management, public speaking, communication skills and effective communication with the population.            Lecturers invited from the leadership of the Ministry of internal affairs and the central office of the Ministry of internal affairs, heads of territorial police departments, the most experienced specialists of internal affairs bodies, other law enforcement and state bodies, representatives of public organizations and the media, Deputies of Parliament, members of the National Council of public trust, OSCE and UNDP experts, leading scientists of Universities of the CIS countries and the Republic of Kazakhstan, veterans of internal affairs bodies are involved in the course of classes at the faculties.          

        At the final stage of the training, students take part in command and staff exercises conducted jointly with the units of the National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan, where students practice applying their knowledge and skills in typical crisis situations (social conflicts, extremist manifestations, emergencies, etc.).

         The relevant centers of the Faculty of additional education are implementing educational programs for advanced training courses for specialists in the fight against drugs and cybercrime, extremism, organized crime and ideological and image work.

            As part of the implementation of additional educational programs, the mobile Academy project was launched at the Academy, as a result of the successful implementation of which the teaching staff of the Academy visited the locations of the regional departments of internal affairs and trained more than 150 middle managers in project management skills and methods of service in police work. A distinctive feature of this project is a change in the format of the course of industrial vocational training, that is, the training of students without interruption from work.          

           On behalf of the minister of internal affairs, in the Cyberpoligon of the Academy, which was opened as part of the implementation of the Institute of private partnership, interdepartmental training of employees of the relevant divisions on the cybersecurity system is carried out. In order to conduct Career Guidance work on attracting young people to the service of internal affairs bodies, the Project “One Day in the police” has been launched on a permanent basis, the implementation of which is not limited to visiting the Academy, but also visiting the base of territorial police units. The success of this project is also facilitated by the factor of personal interest of graduates of the Almaty Academy, who currently hold senior positions in the Departments of internal affairs of the region. Thus, the joint project, implemented thanks to the assistance of the first heads of the police departments of Almaty, Mangistau, Zhetysu and Pavlodar regions, contributed to the increase in the number of candidates for positions in these divisions of the DIA and the increase in education in departmental educational organizations.           

           Programs of postgraduate education are aimed at training scientific, scientific-pedagogical and managerial personnel for internal affairs bodies. In order to ensure the preparation of a new format of the management of the Department of internal affairs in the context of reforming the law enforcement system and modernizing the internal affairs bodies, for the first time in the history of departmental educational institutions in 2021, the Academy began implementing a two-degree program. The implementation of this project was possible thanks to the cooperation agreement concluded with the partner university – Almaty Management University.          

          According to the double-diploma program, employees of internal affairs bodies who are in the personnel Reserve can enter the magistracy in the profile direction for senior positions of territorial police units. Upon completion of the course, graduates are awarded diplomas of two higher educational institutions and two degrees below: — master of business and management in the educational program “Project Management”; — Master of national security and military affairs in the educational program “law enforcement agencies”.

            The Faculty of Professional Training provides training for internal affairs bodies in undergraduate programs and courses of initial professional training. Since 2023, the Academy has resumed training in educational programs of higher educational institutions designed to provide the internal affairs bodies with highly qualified personnel specializing in IT technologies, IT criminalists, criminal and administrative police, the fight against organized crime, extremism, drug trafficking and cybercrime. Based on the analysis of foreign experience in training police personnel, taking into account modern realities in the field of combating crime, the faculty introduced a program for training specialized police personnel of a new format. A feature of the educational process is that the first steps are also close contact with practice, training in the skills of the future profession.

           In the educational process, theoretical and practical training in a special specialty is carried out by special departments on the basis of the relevant training centers and cyber training ground of the Academy with the involvement of employees of the center, leading scientists and experienced employees of departments for the activities of the Department of internal affairs. A practice-oriented approach is also provided by training with visits to territorial police units.           

           The most important aspect of training is police combat training. In this regard, during training at the Academy, special attention is paid to special police tactics, classes are held at specially equipped operational and tactical training grounds, close to the real situation. Candidates for service in special purpose squad units (SOBR) are trained at the initial professional training courses in accordance with a program specially developed by the Department of tactical and special training. A similar training program for the category of SOBR officers, also made up of women, was also successfully tested and successful.

           The mechanisms of the policy of ensuring academic quality at the Academy are measures to disseminate best practices in educational and methodological work and improve professional qualifications. Internships and advanced training of the teaching staff in educational technologies and teaching methods, as well as in the profile of project management, are organized on a planned basis. Currently, more than 80% of the teaching staff have completed advanced training courses in the profile of the subjects taught in the last two years.          The staff of the Academy exceeded the required level by 100% when passing the certification test according to the KAZTEST system. Since 2022, the Academy has been implementing and successfully operating a policy of evaluating the activities of the teaching staff based on the main indicators of the KPI, which is a system for developing the personnel potential of departments. The academic policy of the Academy uses an innovative system based on modern educational criteria for assessing students ‘ academic achievements. Interactive methods and creative forms of conducting classes are actively introduced into the educational process of the Academy. To this end, activities are organized and carried out for the teaching staff to study, generalize and introduce pedagogical experience, new teaching technologies and modern methods of conducting classes into the educational process. The Academy annually conducts information and methodological seminars and trainings on modern education and case-based technologies, effective teaching methods, as well as pedagogical skills courses for young teachers