Department of administrative and legal disciplines

The formation of the Department of administrative and legal disciplines of the Almaty Academy of the Ministry of internal affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan is inextricably linked with the development of the Academy.

In 1956, by order of the Ministry of internal affairs of the USSR, a militia secondary school was created to train operational and investigative personnel.

Since the establishment of the militia school, the cycle of administrative law has been introduced, in which administrative law and administrative activities of the BIA were taught.

In 1991, by the decree of the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the militia secondary school was transformed into the Almaty Higher School of the Ministry of internal affairs of the USSR and the Department of Administrative Law was created on the basis of the cycle.

In 1999, the Academy of the Ministry of internal affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan was established on the basis of the Ministry of internal affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Almaty Higher Technical School of the Ministry of internal affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 

During the processes of reorganization of the educational institution, the name of the department and the disciplines taught in it changed several times. In 2010, the name of the department was approved: “Department of administrative and legal disciplines”.

Since the establishment of the department, its heads have been experienced employees of the internal affairs bodies who have contributed to the practical and scientific and pedagogical activities of the Internal Affairs bodies:

Vladimir Antropov,

Leonid Izvekov,

Zhubatyrov Baigali Nurtuganovich,

Makuev Ruman Kharonovich,

Vladimir Grigoriev,

Police Colonel Akhmetov Rafael Ibrahimovich,

Zhumagulov Marat Imangalievich,

Police Colonel Bishmanov Kakimzhan Muratzhanovich,

Police Colonel Aimashev Kenes Yaykovich,

Police colonel Amitov Shamshidin Egenberdievich,

Police colonel Gulmira Alisherovna Zhunusova.

Department Today

Training of graduates in administrative and Legal Specialization, as well as retraining and advanced training in the administrative direction, the department is one of the leading departments of the Makan Esbolatov Almaty Academy of the Ministry of internal affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

It includes: head of the Department, candidate of Law, Associate Professor (Associate Professor), Police Colonel T. M. Korzhumbayeva, deputy head of the Department, Police Major A. K. Anes, professor of the Department, PhD doctor E. D. Thank you, associate professor of the Department, Police Colonel E. V. Shokanova, associate professor of the department, police lieutenant colonel A. N. Sanapiyanova., associate professor of the Department Police Lieutenant Colonel N. S. Dosybekov, associate professor of the Department Police Major zh. E. Sidasheva, senior teacher of the Department Police Major a.m. Sydik, senior teacher Police Major A. T. Koishken, teacher of the Department Police Major A. Bimbet., teacher of the Department Senior Lieutenant of the police Zhotaeva zh.N.

The personnel potential of the department allows us to ensure the educational process at a high theoretical level in such areas as the administrative activities of the Department of internal affairs, ensuring public safety, and the police service model.