Department of  Organization of research and editorial publishing work

The history of the DOSRaEPW begins on July 30, 1991, when the scientific-research and editorial-publishing department was established by Order No. 255 of the Almaty higher school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR.

The department of organization of research and editorial-publishing work organizes and controls the research activities of the scientific, teaching and cadet staff of the Academy, as well as the organization of editorial-publishing work of the university. The DOSRaEPW annually organizes international and republican scientific-practical and scientific-theoretical conferences, round tables, forums, trainings, etc.; publishes collections of conference materials, monographs, textbooks, manuals, methodological recommendations, etc. educational and scientific literature.

Immediately after the creation of the department for the organization of editorial work, a specialist with extensive work experience was invited from the publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR – Galina Ivanovna Maksimova, who devoted about 16 years to serving in the DOSRaEPW as a senior editor. In the history of the Almaty Academy, the most prominent scientists from the DOSRaEPW were 7 of its leaders: doctor of law, professor, colonel of the internal service Chukmaitov Dulat Slambekovich, candidate of technical sciences, police captain Akchurin Aisultan Anvarovich, candidate of technical sciences, professor, police colonel Dzhangozin Adilzhan Dzhakipbekovich, doctor of chemical sciences, associate professor, police colonel Zhaksibayev Meldebek Zhumabekovich, candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor, police lieutenant colonel Amanzholova Aliya Sarsenovna, doctor of law, professor Kegembayeva Zhanar Amanzhanovna, сandidate of law sciences, police colonel Kan Alexander Gerasimovich, police colonel Zhantuarov Birzhan Serikovich and police lieutenant colonel Chukumov Galymzhan Bauyrzhanovich.

The head of the SRaEPO (1995-1996), doctor of law, professor, colonel of the internal service Chukmaitov Dulat Slambekovich is a specialist in the field of criminal law and criminology. The author of monographs: «The impact of the first crime on the subsequent illegal activities of repeat offenders» and «Theoretical foundations of the system of execution of punishments (imprisonment and other types) under the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan». In the end of 90s of the twentieth century, he was head of the Kostanay Law Institute of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Meldebek Zhumabekovich Zhaksibayev, head of the DOSRaEPW (from 2001-2007), doctor of chemical sciences, associate professor, police colonel, is a well-known Kazakhstani scientist specializing in organic chemistry, chemical kinetics and catalysis.

Deputy head of the DOSRaEPW (from 2000-2009), candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor, police lieutenant colonel Aliya Sarsenovna Amanzholova is the developer of the first coat of arms of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the first coat of arms of the Almaty Academy, which operated from 2001-2021, Unlike his father, the famous soviet linguist–turkologist, founder of kazakh linguistics, doctor of philology, professor, member-correspondent of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR Sarsen Amanzholov and brother of Altai Amanzholov – a soviet and kazakh linguist-turkologist, a specialist in the historical grammar of turkic languages, the history of ancient turkic writing. Aliya Sarsenovna is a prominent scientist in chemistry. For example, she and a group of kazakhstani scientists developed a method and became the owner of a patent for the purification of oil and petroleum products from sulfur-containing compounds (petroleum organic and inorganic sulfides, 1997) and was the developer of one of the state standards in the field of chemistry in the end of 2000s years.

Deputy head of the DOSRaEPW, doctor of law, professor, police colonel Kegembayeva Zhanar Amanzhanovna (2009-2010) is a specialist in the field of administrative and criminal law. The author of monographs: «Problems of legal responsibility of officials in public administration under the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan» and «Constitutional foundations of criminal legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan».

Such professionals as police lieutenant colonel Maximova Galina Ivanovna, police colonel Nurusheva Mayra Bakhytzhanovna, police lieutenant colonel Zhubanova Nailya Bazarovna, police major Janabayeva Anara Pernebekovna, police lieutenant colonel Bayzharasov Almaz Konysbaevich, police lieutenant colonel Murashbekov Olzhas Berikovich, police lieutenant colonel Isova Gulzhan Zakenovna, police major Islamova Aida, police captain Alimbekov Aydin Abdievich, police captain Zhomart Arailym Shyrynkhanovna, Rakova Elena, Tileuova Talshyn, Madieva Madina and many others worked under their leadership.

Currently, the head of the DOSRaEPW: master of law, police lieutenant colonel Saparov Zhanserik Jaishylykovich.

The department employs: deputy chief, police lieutenant colonel A.T. Berekenov, senior researchers – police lieutenant colonel A.M. Kenzhegulov and police major S.J. Tureniyazova, researchers – police major N.E. Vasyanina and senior police Lieutenant J.T. Tashtakhmet, editors – B.Yu. Turenova, K.N. Saratekova, S. Kurbiev, The proofreader is J.M. Kalpak.

In 2022 year, three students of the initial professional training courses, under the guidance of A.R. Nurtazina and O.B. Murashbekov, took 3 prizes in the international competition of scientific informatics conducted by the Mogilev Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus.

The logotype of the DOSRaEPW

Девиз ООНИиРИР: кімде-кім өмірін ғылымға қызмет етуге арнаса, оның есімі ешқашан өлмейді!

  • Кто посвятит свою жизнь служению науке, того имя и после смерти будет бессмертны.
  • Whoever dedicates his life to the service of science, his name will be immortal after death.