Educational and methodological center

The educational and methodological center in the structure of the Academy was formed in November 2000. Its creation was due to the need for comprehensive methodological support of educational activities, the dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience and the coordination of the educational process in connection with the reforms taking place in the field of education.

The first head of the Educational and Methodological Center was Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Police Colonel Sebekov Shyrynhan (2000-2002).

From 2002 to 2021, the Educational and Methodological Center was headed by Irina Aleksandrovna, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor (Associate Professor), Police Colonel Shalkarova.

During this period of time, the Educational and Methodological Center did a lot of work on the introduction of advanced educational technologies and educational materials into the educational process of the Academy.

Since 2003, the Academic calendar and a stable schedule of classes for the entire academic period have been introduced into the process of planning academic activities.

By 2006, the Educational and Methodological Center developed educational and methodological complexes of specialties and organized the development of educational and methodological complexes of disciplines by departments.

In 2009, according to the experience of leading universities in Kazakhstan, the Academy was the first among departmental educational organizations to introduce a credit learning technology and a point-rating letter system for assessing educational achievements of students into the educational process, and in addition to them, planning of educational activities based on catalogs of elective disciplines was reorganized.

On the basis of a competent approach to training specialists, in 2013 the first educational training programs were developed and implemented in the specialties of bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral studies. Since 2015, a modular principle of developing educational programs for higher and postgraduate education has been introduced.

Every year since November 2015, the Educational and Methodological Center has been holding information and methodological seminars on improving the educational process and educational and methodological work, introduced to replace the educational and methodological fees of the faculty of the Academy.

Since 2019, on the basis of the office of pedagogical excellence, the Press Center training ground has been created with appropriate visual equipment and imitation video, audio equipment, which provides classes in oratory, public speaking skills, police interaction with the media, the population and the public for students in educational programs of higher, postgraduate and additional education. The training ground is also actively used by teachers of departments in order to instill the skills of conducting classes, communicating with the audience and improving pedagogical skills.

In November 2019, in connection with the reorganization of the structural divisions of the Academy, the staff of the Educational and Methodological Center was expanded by merging with the department for monitoring and monitoring (assessing) the quality of education and the distance learning group.

In 2021, the Department of Monitoring and Control (Assessment) of the Quality of Education of the Educational and Methodological Center was headed by Police Colonel Bektas Arman, who is also the deputy head of the Educational and Methodological Center, at that time the educational portal of the Academy was created and began to function on the basis of Platonus and Moodle information systems. The use of an educational portal in the educational process became especially in demand during the COVID-19 pandemic, when the Academy students were transferred to distance and mixed learning. Since 2022, the department has introduced the output of QR codes to diplomas and transcripts of students, also for the uninterrupted operation of the educational portal, the system has been moved to cloud storage. In the same year, in order to monitor and control the educational process, classrooms were equipped with surveillance cameras with the output of the Educational and Methodological Center to the video panel.

Starting from the 2020-2021 academic year, in connection with the abolition of distance learning in Kazakhstan, the distance learning group of the Educational and Methodological Center has developed regulatory and methodological documentation and launched distance learning in educational programs of higher education using digital educational resources.

From 2021 to 2023, the Training and Methodological Center was headed by police colonel Yuldashev Dzhambul, who since 2013 served as deputy head of the center.

In September 2021, for the first time in the history of departmental education, the Educational and Methodological Center of the Academy, together with the Dean of the Almaty School of Management, the university management developed and introduced a two-degree educational program for postgraduate education of the master’s degree in the relevant area. The result of this project was the training in partner universities of professional managers in the two-degree educational program of the master’s degree in the profile area “7M04112 – Project Management” and “7M12302 – Law Enforcement.”

In October 2022, during a seminar-meeting organized by the Committee for Control in the Field of Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a protocol decision signed by the first heads of departmental educational organizations created the Association of Military, Special Educational Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Since May 2023, the Training and Methodological Center has been headed by Police Colonel Bektas Arman, who since 2021 has held the post of Deputy Head of the Training and Methodological Center, he is also the head of the Department for Monitoring and Monitoring (Assessment) of the Quality of Education.

In 2024, the activities of the Educational and Methodological Center are aimed at further digitalization of the educational process. It is planned to integrate Platonus and Moodle AIS with an automated proctoring system based on a powerful server for processing video information with the installation of front, dome and auxiliary video surveillance cameras on each computer. The system independently authenticates the user’s identity, monitors his behavior during the exam, analyzes and records violations on the video, as well as the contents of the test person’s work window, controls the switching between applications and prepares a detailed report. Based on the expert assessment of the system, a decision is made on the user passing the testing process.

Automation of the process of developing classes schedules is carried out using the Platonus automated information system. The activities of all services involved in the educational process are integrated within the educational portal in digital format. The whole history of achievements of students is formed with the ability to compile various reports, sheets (summary, final, milestone controls) and transcripts in automatic mode.

The practice of training a young teacher of novice teachers at the school has been resumed, and pedagogical skills courses have been organized for teachers nominated for higher positions. In these courses, studying teachers master the methodology of modern innovative technologies of educational activity.

Head of TMC

police colonel                                                                                   A.Bektas