Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after Makan Esbulatov
The history of scientific activity of the Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan is inextricably linked with the development of our educational institution, which dates back to 1956. Since at that time there was no department engaged in scientific activities, this task was performed by the teachers themselves.
In 1999, it was decided to create a separate unit engaged in scientific activities – the scientific center of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which was formed on June 1 of the same year, according to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
According to the order of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the first head of the scientific center was Colonel of the Internal Service Maulenov Gaziz Syrbaevich, and his deputy (who is also the head of the laboratory for the development of current criminal legal and criminological problems) was Police Major Igor Valerievich Korzun.
In the period from 1999 to 2003, the heads of the scientific center of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan were: police lieutenant colonel Rustemova Gaukhar Rustembekovna; Lieutenant Colonel of the Internal Service Viktor Grigorievich Malchikov; Police Colonel Abdrakhmanov Boris Amirzhanovich; Police Colonel Zhalburov Erkinbek Tianakbaevich.
The structural divisions of the scientific center of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation were: laboratory for the development of current criminal legal and criminological problems (laboratory 1); laboratory for the development of current administrative and legal problems (laboratory No. 2); laboratory for the development of current problems of preliminary investigation and inquiry (laboratory No. 3); laboratory for the development of current problems of psychology and pedagogy in internal organs (laboratory No. 4); laboratory for the development of current problems of information and technical support in internal affairs bodies (laboratory No. 5).
The scientific center was engaged in the development of current problems posed by the Minister of Internal Affairs, legislative issues and regulatory documents on the problems of combating crime. The laboratories, in turn, issued scientifically based recommendations for implementation in the activities of practical bodies.
In 2002, on the basis of the scientific center of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a scientific research institute (hereinafter referred to as the research institute) was created by order of the Minister of Internal Affairs.
The main task of the research institute was to conduct fundamental and applied research to develop measures to influence crime and improve the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The main task of the research institute was to conduct fundamental and applied research to develop measures to influence crime and improve the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
At that time, the research institute was conducting research work on planned topics, carrying out unscheduled express research on instructions from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, developing draft laws and other regulations, and conducting examinations of bills. When carrying out research work aimed at improving the legal, organizational, practical and methodological foundations of the activities of the units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the laboratories of the research institute and the Center interacted with practical internal affairs bodies, industry committees and departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the National Central Bureau of Interpol – customers of scientific research, and also with scientific institutions of the CIS countries.
By order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On organizational and staffing issues” dated November 21, 2009, the research institute was relocated from Almaty to Astana, after which, in 2011, it was transferred to the staff of the Karaganda Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after. Barimbek Beisenov.
On April 30, 2016, by order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a Research Center (SRC), which is a structural unit of the Almaty Academy, was created at the Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In 2016, the Research Center was headed by Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Police Colonel Angelika Nikiforovna Tsoi.
From 2019 to December 2021, the Research Center was headed by Candidate of Legal Sciences, Police Colonel Oleg Romanovich Tsoi.
From December 2021 to the present, the Research Center is headed by Candidate of Legal Sciences, Police Colonel Alexander Gerasimovich Kan.
The traditions founded by the first team are worthily continued by the next generations of researchers who worked later and carry out the activities of the Research Center today.

Kan Alexander Gerasimovich
The Research Center has three departments and employs 17 employees:
- Department for the study of problems of operational investigative activities of the Department of Internal Affairs: head – PhD, police lieutenant colonel Elmira Mikhtatovna Nasyrova, also deputy head of the Research Center, senior researcher – PhD, police lieutenant colonel Muratzhan Z., senior researcher – police lieutenant colonel E.V. Gaidamasheva ., senior researcher – police major Zhumabekova L.A., researcher – candidate of legal sciences, police lieutenant colonel Toktybaev A.A.
- Department for researching problems of combating crime and improving legislation: head – police lieutenant colonel Saparov Zhanserik Zhaishylykovich, senior researcher – police lieutenant colonel Yugai M. E., senior researcher – PhD, police major Shidemov A.G., researcher – doctor .law, professor Akimzhanov T.K., research fellow – police captain Umarov S.A.
- Department for the study of problems of management of internal affairs bodies: senior researcher – police lieutenant colonel A.T. Berekenov, senior researcher – candidate of legal sciences, Kultemirova L.T., researcher – police major Mynbaev R.B., researcher employee – doctor of legal sciences Amangeldy A.A.
The main goal of the research center is: conducting applied and fundamental scientific research, identifying, analyzing and systematizing scientific and practical problems in the field of legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as in the activities of investigative and operational and other bodies.
The priority direction of the department for studying the problems of operational investigative activities of the internal affairs department is to conduct fundamental and applied research aimed at developing measures to influence operational investigative activities on crime and improving the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of operational investigative activities.
The main objectives of the department for researching problems of combating crime and improving legislation are: conducting fundamental and applied research aimed at improving the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of investigative and administrative-legal activities; socio-legal and forensic support for the activities of internal affairs bodies in modern conditions; criminological forecasting and crime prevention.
The main direction of the department for researching problems of ATS management is the identification of priority areas of research activities on administration in the ATS system; conducting fundamental and applied research work on issues of air traffic control management; conducting unscheduled scientific research on topical issues that require urgent scientific study; taking part in the preparation and development of draft legislative, departmental and other regulatory legal acts, proposals for their improvement, conceptual and doctrinal documents related to the optimization of law enforcement activities.
The main tasks of the Research Center:
• carrying out fundamental and applied research work;
• conducting unscheduled scientific research on topical issues that require urgent scientific study in order to make management decisions prepared by the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
• study and generalization of advanced domestic and foreign experience on the problems of implementing operational investigative and administrative-legal activities, crime prevention and law enforcement;
• taking part in the preparation and development of draft legislative, departmental and other regulatory legal acts, proposals for their improvement, conceptual and doctrinal documents related to the optimization of law enforcement activities;
• testing, scientific support and implementation of research results into the practical activities of internal affairs bodies, the educational process of the Academy;
• preparation of monographs, textbooks, teaching aids, lectures, methodological developments, articles, newsletters, etc.;
• preparation of conclusions, reviews and reviews of draft regulatory documents, teaching aids, dissertations, monographs, etc.;
• management of research work of master’s and doctoral students of the PhD Academy;
• providing advisory assistance to interested parties.
The implementation of the concepts of a “listening state”, “police within walking distance”, the formation of a service model for ensuring security, improving personnel policies – these and other aspects of the modernization of internal affairs bodies determine the directions of research activities carried out at the center.

Research Center team 2009

Research Center team 2023