The Center for training specialists in countering Cybercrime

The Center for training specialists in countering Cybercrime (here in after referred to as the Center) is a structural unit of the Faculty of Training of Middle management personnel (Faculty № 2) of the Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after Makan Esbulatov and was established by Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 975 dated November 11, 2019.

The main objectives of the Center are:

• Advanced training of trainees in order to train qualified personnel of the Department of Internal Affairs for additional education programs, as well as countering crimes in the field of informatization and communications;

• Organization and implementation of educational, methodical, scientific and educational work in accordance with the work plan of the center, drawn up for the calendar year;

• Establishing contacts and connections with higher educational institutions, research institutions of Kazakhstan and structural units of the Department of Internal Affairs and other state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

• Organizing cooperation with organizations and departments involved in countering cybercrime in accordance with the established procedure in order to replenish the information base of the center, as well as using the capabilities of these organizations in improving the educational process at the center.

      In addition to professional development, the staff of the Center necessarily conducts lectures and seminars on the topics of countering cybercrime for students of the Faculty of Vocational Training, Faculties of the middle management of the Department of Internal Affairs.

     The Center actively conducts image work on social networks on Facebook and Instagram pages. The results of the Center’s activities were published in the mass media such as, New Generation, and Moskovsky Komsomolets, which is replicated and published not only in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, but also in the CIS countries.

     As part of the Memorandum of Understanding on Drug Control and Law Enforcement dated December 12, 2002, with the support of the U.S. Embassy INL Office, educational equipment and 25 computers were installed in room №502 of the center.