Department of Law Enforcement Management of the Faculty of Professional Training of the Almaty Academy named afterMakana Esbulatova of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan is an educational structural unit engaged in educational, methodological, research and educational work. The department was established by Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 10, 2023 No. 387.
The department professionally organizes and carries out educational, methodological, research and educational work to train highly qualified and competitive specialists with higher education, scientific and pedagogical personnel for the system of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Conducts work on advanced training and retraining courses for active police officers of various categories.
The main principles of the department’s staff are: accessibility and quality of education, broad integration of the educational process with research and educational work, as well as innovative technologies for training highly qualified and competitive personnel for internal affairs bodies.
The department is headed by Police Colonel Maya Toksanova Bolatovna. As part of its activities, the Department solves the following main tasks:
1) Organization and implementation at the modern level of the planned academic load aimed at ensuring educational activities in the disciplines assigned to the department and the needs of the internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan for qualified specialists.
2) development and improvement of educational, methodological and scientific methodological support for the studied disciplines and training courses, the introduction of new educational technologies, forms and methods of teaching, the use of positive practical experience in the activities of the internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3) organization of work to improve professional skills, scientific qualifications of the teaching staff.
4) carrying out scientific research and development work aimed at improving the personnel training system for the internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan and increasing the effectiveness of law enforcement activities of the internal affairs bodies.
5) carrying out work with the teaching staff and students on educational, cultural, educational, social work, strengthening official discipline and legality.
According to the staff schedule, there are 18 people. The department employs an experienced and professional teaching staff: Deputy Head of the Department, Police Colonel N.I. Ibraimova; professors of the department: Doctor of Law, Professor G. R. Rustemova, Ph.D., Professor E. T. Abilezov, Doctor of Law, Professor Kenzhetaev D. T., associate professors of the department: police Colonel Kurbanova G. V., Police Lieutenant Colonel Sagandykova D. A., police Major Sitnikov P. V.; senior teachers: police Lieutenant Colonel Seisembekova R. B., police Major Sultanova A.M., police Major A. A. Umbetova; teacher: police Lieutenant G. A. Kadirberlina.
The Department of free employment employs 7 teachers on a contractual basis.
The main activities of the department:
Academic work (educational)
In accordance with the working curricula for educational programs 6b12301, 6B12302, 6B12303, 6B06101, 7M12301, 7M12302, 8D12301, the teaching staff of the department conducts classes in the following academic disciplines:
6b12301 – “Law enforcement”, according to the higher education program – “Constitution and state structure”;
According to the educational program of higher education 6B12301 — “Law enforcement”, 6B12302 — “IT-Forensic support for the activities of internal affairs bodies”, 6B06101 — “information systems and technologies”, 6B12303 — “ensuring cybersecurity” – “fundamentals of information law and security”;
6b12301 – “Law enforcement”, according to the educational program of higher education – “theory of state and law”;
7m12301 – Master’s degree in scientific and pedagogical direction – “Psychology of management”, “Pedagogy of Higher education”, “conceptual foundations of law enforcement”, “international standards in law enforcement”;
7m12302 – “Law enforcement”, 7m04102 — Master’s degree in profile direction “Project Management” – ” theory and practice of law enforcement management”;
8d12301 PhD Doctoral program – “General theory of law enforcement”.
At the faculties of additional education, training of senior staff, as well as the Center for Training Specialists in Countering Extremism, the interdepartmental center for training specialists in countering drug crime, the center for training specialists in countering cybercrime, Conducting training sessions and practice-oriented trainings with various categories of police officers and other law enforcement agencies at training courses for specialists in combating organized crime and advanced training and retraining of centers for training specialists in ideological and image work.