As an independent unit, the Faculty of full-time education was established on 3 May 2002 by the order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 302. But the history of the Faculty is inextricably linked with the history of the educational institution as a whole – from a special secondary school of police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR to the Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The main task of the Faculty is the implementation of educational and professional programmes of higher professional education by creating the necessary conditions for this purpose, aimed at the formation, development and professional formation of an employee of internal affairs bodies, on the basis of national and universal values, achievements of science and practice.
The main activities of the Faculty are:
– modern scientific level of specialists’ training, optimal ratio of theoretical and practical training, ensuring that cadets and trainees receive in-depth theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities in their chosen speciality within the established time limits in the scope of the requirements of qualification characteristics of graduates;
– organisation of interrelation of teaching (learning) and independent work of cadets in learning activities, creation of necessary conditions for individual work of cadets, manifestation and realisation of creative potential;
– Improvement of teaching methods on the basis of rational combination of traditional methods of transfer and consolidation of scientific information with new ones, providing wide application of technical means and active forms and methods of teaching;
– introduction of modern educational and scientific-methodical, didactic materials and software of automated learning systems, information support systems, information and library systems into the educational process;
Over the period of its existence, the faculty has gained a great experience in training specialists whose knowledge and skills meet the requirements of practical activities of the internal affairs bodies.
A great contribution to training, creation of traditions of the future faculty was made by veterans – former chiefs, who served for many years, first in a special secondary school, then in the Almaty Law Institute, and now in the Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Ph, Associate Professor Tokalov Talgat Bigalymovich and Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Honoured Worker of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Salaev Bashaga Aivazovich, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Police Colonel Bapanov Talat Abdirovich, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Police Colonel Amitov Shamshidin Egenberdievich, Doctor of Legal Sciences. Associate Professor Aliya Temirkhanovna Baiseitova. as well as Candidate of Legal Sciences, Police Colonel Dmitry Vitalievich Eremeev.

Токалов Т.Б

Салаев Б.А

Бапанов Т.А.

Амитов Ш.Е.

Байсеитова А.Т.

Еремеев Д.В.
Today the faculty, continuing to develop the best traditions of higher school, still remains the main forge of personnel for the subdivisions of internal affairs bodies. Advanced pedagogical technologies, skilful organisation of the educational process, high equipment, modern level of scientific research and professionalism of the teaching staff are the successful guarantee of training specialists. The peculiarity of the educational process from the first steps is a close connection with practice, training in the skills of the future profession. It is an honour to work and study at the faculty.
Here not only historical traditions are honoured, but also creative research, successful combination of theory and practice, attentive attitude to each cadet and employee. Cadets and students of the faculty are members of numerous teams of the Academy, where they achieve high sports results. The personnel of the faculty takes an active part in scientific activities, where they also achieve high results.
The faculty has a close-knit team capable of successfully solving the tasks of training qualified personnel for internal affairs bodies. All employees have higher legal education, and they are successful professionals. The faculty is constantly improving and developing in order to train specialists for internal affairs bodies.
The faculty has a close-knit team capable of successfully solving the tasks of training qualified personnel for internal affairs bodies. All employees have higher legal education, and they are successful professionals. The faculty is constantly improving and developing in order to train specialists for internal affairs bodies.

Under his leadership the adaptation of cadets to the living conditions, the formation of pride in belonging to the staff of the Academy, skills of independent conscientious study is organised by the deputy head of the faculty, police colonel Tulmaganbetov Adil Arkabayevich Tulmaganbetov.
Tulmaganbetov A.A. in internal affairs bodies since 1994, after graduation worked in various positions of internal affairs bodies. Since 2004, he has devoted himself to teaching, having worked his way from a teacher of the cycle of special disciplines to deputy head of the Training Centre of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Almaty on educational work. In 2019, he moved to Almaty Academy and devoted himself to work at the Faculty of Professional Training.

Initial steps in the training and education of cadets to the formation of personality are carried out under the direct guidance of teachers and methodologists of the Faculty (editors): Lieutenant Colonel of Police Elena Aleksandrovna Grokhotova, Lieutenant Colonel of Police Zarina Kenzhegalievna Baukhazhan, Lieutenant Colonel of Police Karibekova Karlygash Erkinalievna, Major of Police Gulfiya Rysbekovna Karibzhanova, Captain of Police Rustem Mukharamovich Khaibulin, and Senior Lieutenant of Police Beylkyzy Madina.

Direct management of the units is carried out by the heads of the course: Lieutenant Colonel of Police Bilibaev M.K. and Lieutenant Colonel of Police Akhmetollaev A.A. Educational work on the training of future officers falls on the shoulders of deputy heads of the course Major of Police Akhatbek A.S., Police Captain Satybaldy E.J., Police Captain Ramazanov A.R. and Police Captain Daulenbaev T.A.
Among the officers of the faculty the main part has experience of work in combat units. Their merit is that they have preserved, developed and multiplied the good deed of training and education of future employees of internal affairs bodies.
The faculty of professional training includes 8 departments:
– Department of General Education Disciplines;
– Chair of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics;
– Department of Criminal Law and Criminology;
– Department of Law Enforcement Management;
– Chair of Operative Investigative Activity;
– Chair of Cyber Security and Information Technology;
– Chair of Administrative and Legal Disciplines;
– Chair of Physical Training;
– Department of Military and Tactical-Specialised Training.
The departments of the faculty are staffed by qualified teaching staff, including doctors, candidates of sciences and doctors (PhD) with extensive practical experience.
For many years, talented officers and teachers have been working in the departments of the faculty, who have managed to lay down traditions that are unshakable to this day. Despite many difficulties, not counting on personal time, the staff of the departments and faculty successfully organise the process of personality formation – from an entrant to an officer. Most of the graduates of the faculty today faithfully fulfil their official duties not only in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, but also abroad.